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What Does It Mean to Have Low Testosterone?

What Does It Mean to Have Low Testosterone?

Low testosterone or male hypogonadism is a condition wherein the testes do not produce enough testosterone, an important male sex hormone.

In men, testosterone helps maintain and develop sexual features, muscle mass, bone density, adequate levels of red blood cells, a sense of wellbeing, and sexual and reproductive health and function.

Low testosterone affects almost 40% of men who are 45 years old and older and may be caused primarily by aging. Aging contributes to the natural decline of testosterone levels after the age of 30. However, there are some other potential causes for this condition and these are injury, metabolic disorders, dysfunction or tumors of the pituitary gland, alcohol abuse, and chronic kidney failure.

To be assessed thoroughly of your testosterone levels, it is advised that you consult a specialist right away. You may also want to know more about our urology in Tucson, Arizona.

A man who has low testosterone will experience the following symptoms:

  • Low sex drive
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Depressed mood, moodiness, or irritability
  • Fatigue
  • Loss of muscular strength

Other changes or conditions may also occur with low testosterone, such as mild anemia, decrease in body hair, thinning of the bones, breast development, and infertility.

Know how to address male hypogonadism or low testosterone by calling Choi Urology! We provide services for men’s health in Arizona that can help you deal with this condition.

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