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Take Part in a Virtual Men’s Health Talk

Take Part in a Virtual Men’s Health Talk

Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) is a non-cancerous, highly common condition among older men. The condition is characterized by the enlargement of the prostate gland which can cause uncomfortable urinary symptoms as it blocks the flow of urine out of the bladder. BPH can also cause kidney, bladder, and urinary tract problems when left untreated. BPH is a common threat to men’s health in Arizona. The symptoms associated with an enlarged prostate include:

  • An inconsistent flow during urination
  • A persistent feeling your bladder is not completely empty even after urination
  • Difficulty in starting urination accompanied by a weak urinary stream
  • An urgent feeling of needing to urinate
  • Dribbling after urinating

Are you experiencing any of these symptoms? If so, you’re not alone, as BPH affects approximately 70% of men aged 60-69 in the U.S. It’s not only a threat to your reproductive health but may cause further complications, such as bladder damage and urinary retention.

Fortunately, specialists of urology in Tucson, Arizona provide a variety of treatments. One of which includes the Urolift® System, a one-time treatment that provides quick relief and recovery of enlarged prostate symptoms.

To learn more about BPH and the Urolift® System, a 1-hour interactive webinar will be held on Wednesday, June 17th at four different time slots: 8:30 am (PST) or 11:30 am (EST) and 4:30 pm (PST) or 7:30 pm (EST). As experts in men’s health, Choi Urology urges you to take part in this nationwide event as it is a great opportunity to discuss BPH to learn more about your treatment options and finding the best urologist in Tucson, Arizona.

Kindly click here to register and learn more about the said event.

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