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Men Get UTI Too, and Here’s All You Need to Know

Men Get UTI Too, and Here’s All You Need to Know

A urinary tract infection (UTI) is pretty common. Everyone experiences it at one point in their lives. Although it is more common in women due to their anatomy, it does not spare those with male reproductive organs.

Choi Urology is an expert in men’s health in Arizona. We advocate for overall wellness and want to help raise awareness on UTIs in men. So here are the important facts.

  • Whether it’s an upper or lower tract infection, a UTI is caused by bacteria in the bladder, kidneys, and urethra. For this reason, keeping your reproductive health in check and cleaning your body properly is imperative.
  • Symptoms include a burning sensation when urinating, blood in urine, fever, and a feeling like you need to pee all the time.
  • A person can get UTI through intercourse.
  • Always be in tune with your body and seek medical help if the symptoms cause extreme discomfort.

Refusing to talk about health issues that affect a man’s reproductive organs can have serious repercussions. Even the common UTI can worsen if you do not take action and treat it. For all your needs involving urology in Tucson, Arizona, we can help you out. Schedule an appointment today.

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