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Addressing Stress Incontinence

Addressing Stress Incontinence

Stress incontinence is the embarrassing inability to control your urge to urinate in certain circumstances. Do take note that the term “stress” here is used in a strictly physical sense and not emotional. Stress incontinence refers to excessive pressure on the bladder.

While this disorder is more common among women, it doesn’t mean that men do not or cannot suffer from it. This disorder is not widely talked about in the male population, so Choi Urology is here to do that and also push for the importance of men’s health in Arizona.

You may experience a few drops of urine or a large, involuntary flow during physical activity or when you are:

  • Laughing
  • Sneezing
  • Doing heavy lifting
  • Jumping
  • Engaging in sexual intercourse

Even standing up from a seated or reclining position can put enough pressure on your bladder to cause leakage. Symptoms of stress incontinence are unique for each individual. You may not experience the symptoms while participating in physical activity, while some activities that cause leakage to you may not affect another person who also suffers from the disorder.

If you are having these issues, it’s time to visit Choi Urology in Tucson, Arizona to know the best treatments for you. There are various ways you can be treated for stress incontinence, which includes behavioral therapy, pelvic muscle training, medication, and surgery.

There’s no need to suffer the embarrassing consequences of incontinence; seek out Urology in Tucson, Arizona now!

Just because it isn’t common among men doesn’t mean you should be complacent. Let us help ensure your reproductive health.

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