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Detecting cancers before they worsen
biopsy word on paper

One of the best methods of detecting the presence of cancers of the testes, bladder, prostate, and kidneys is to perform a tissue biopsy of the genitourinary organs.

A biopsy involves the removal of bits of tissue using special tools. The retrieved tissue specimens are examined by experts to look for signs of tumor development or abnormal growth patterns. This helps detect the presence of cancers and determine the next appropriate step in treatment. It can also determine the responsiveness of treatment when a male patient is currently getting one.

Biopsies are commonly done on the prostate, bladder, and kidneys.

Kidney Biopsies – done to determine the cause behind unexplained acute kidney injury or nephritic and nephrotic damage

Bladder Biopsies – done to diagnose bladder cancer and occasionally schistosomiasis or interstitial cystitis

Prostate Biopsies – done to diagnose prostate cancer

The complications of getting a genitourinary biopsy include urinary tract infection (UTI), hemorrhaging, and sepsis. These can be easily prevented when the procedure is performed by an experienced urologist and surgeon.

We use the PRO-NOX gas system to keep patients sedated during biopsies. It delivers a mixture of 50% oxygen and 50% nitrous oxide to relieve pain and anxiety. As an inhaled analgesia, it delivers quick results. It is safe to use in an in-office setting and reduces the risk of infection.

Get the Right Treatment
Get a safe and quick biopsy done with Dr. Kenneth Choi’s private practice in Tucson, Arizona. As a board-certified urologist, surgeon, and men’s health expert, he and his team provide the latest expertise in genitourinary surgery and medicine.

We assess your condition and provide the appropriate treatments that may surpass what you typically find in the healthcare industry today. Find satisfactory results now by scheduling an appointment.